Welcome to Batteese Creek Farm
We are a small scale, sustainable family farm located in mid-Michigan. We specialize in pasture raised beef and pork. Our animals are happily hormone and antibiotic free :)
Farm Facts
A Glimpse into Life on the Farm

Maple Syrup Season
February 6, 2023
Syrup Season is here! Every year we start off February with the hope of fresh syrup to last us until next year. This year we are selling it! Come on down and get some fresh maple syrup.

Going Green
February 6, 2023
As of May, 2021 we officially went partially solar. We have already invested in two electric cars, as we go further in our solar journey we will cement our position as a happy, healthy, and GREEN family farm.
Seasonal Products Your Entire Family Will Love
Our Heritage Breed and free-range meat is humanely raised without hormones or antibiotics. Happy animals equals healthy food. Each Spring we enjoy making real maple syrup from our sugar bush. And we do it all the old fashioned way!

Pasture Raised Beef
$4.50 per lb

Maple Syrup

Fresh Pork
$3.75 per lb
Come on Down to the Farm!
Tours upon request!
700 Fitchburg Stockbridge MI 49285